When you receive a statement from your credit card company, do not enter it as a bill and then write a check to remedy that bill. Duplicate expenses: entering a charge and a bill This common mistake can take dozens of hours to remedy. If you don’t follow the steps appropriately, QuickBooks for Mac will crumble when attempting to plan future payments and manage cash-flow. In addition, you will still have an “unpaid bill.” This will in turn create an outstanding accounts payable line item. Why is this an issue? Because in QuickBooks for Mac, if you enter a bill, and then pay it afterward using the “Write Checks” entry window, you will actually record the expense twice. This is especially confusing to small business owners who use their accounting software in brief sit-downs consisting of just a few tasks at a time.
Then, when all bills are entered, the user is expected to pay the bill in the “Pay Bills” window. QuickBooks for Mac Inventory: input errorsĮnjoy! The top 4 most common Quickbooks input errors: Writing a check AFTER you enter a bill QuickBooks is designed with the expectation that you will enter each bill as it arrives using the “Enter Bills” window.